General information from the headline of the website.

To access the website located in the domain that is headline of the company Bodega Cerda with cif B54326590, society with address in street: Aljibes, 16 03688, furthermore Bodegas Cerdá and some of the pages or subpages in this domain, the user says that he has read, understand and accepted the privacy notice and the legal notice in this website.

In the case that you don’t agree with the described conditions in the privacy notice and the legal notice, we suggest that you do not use the website.

Products and services:

In this website, Bodegas Cerdá gives the user the same free information about the products and services given by them. We offer the possibility of buying products or contracting services offered. The information in the website has only indicative, orientative and estimative characters and it has no important binding value for Bodegas Cerdá.

Intellectual property and industrial:

In this website, Bodegas Cerdá gives users free information about the products and services given by them. All designs, brands, names, images, logos, graphics, icons, applications and contents in the website are the property of Bodegas Cerdá. Bodegas Cerdá has a licence for this use, having the protection on this industrial and intellectual property. However, this does not mean that Bodegas Cerdá gives the rights to other users.

You can make commercial use of the site but you cannot change it, nor reproduce it you must not distribute or communicate it in a public way.

Authorise users to copy the design or content. It is an intellectual property right, it will affect the rights and the normative established in Spain. You are not allow to use the contents from the website with any proposal not allowed by Bodegas Cerdá as is present in the legal notice.

If someone wants to use the brands, names, logos or anything that is available in our website from Bodegas Cerdá, you can apply for this authorization by contacting Bodegas Cerdá.

Access to the website:

The access to the website is free and gratis. However Bodegas Cerdá gives the user the possibility to contact Bodegas Cerdá through e mail to request more information about the services and the products that Bodegas Cerdá offers.

The user voluntarily gives Bodegas Cerdá their personal information in order that Bodegas Cerdá can send commercial communication about its products and services.

The personal information which is given by the user to Bodegas Cerdá via e mail is going to be treated with the privacy policies from this website, considering the law from the protection of the personal information.

The communication through e mail between the user and Bodegas Cerdá does not use a secure network. Users should not considered protected personal information as per the 7th article of LOPD, so it is not advisable to send personal information through this medium.

All the information which the user gives the business should be truthful. The user guarantees the authenticity of all the personal information which it give to Bodegas Cerdá. It is the responsibility of the user to update their information frequently.

The user is wholly responsible for any information which results from supplying false or inaccurate information to Bodegas Cerdá or any third party.


The website has hyperlinks with other websites.Some of them are not edited,controlled,maintained or supervised by bodegas Cerdá.Bodegas Cerdá is not being responsible for the content of this web site.

These contents are the responsibility of the third parties and Bodegas Cerdá doesn´t guarantee  the contents that they have established hyperlinks to them.

The function of the links are to inform the user about the existence of another information sources bout the internet,where you can enlarge the given data in this website.

Bodegas Cerdá is not responsible or the results obtained through these hyperlinks.

The users who wish to connect through these hyperlinks must refrain from giving false, inaccurate or incorrect information.

Bodegas Cerdá does not authorise the hyperlink nor supervise, approve or assume any contents or services provided of the website to which the hyperlink connects.

Hyperlinks to websites or webpages which include illicit contents or immoral information contrary to what is considered acceptable or affect the rights of third parties are not permitted.

The hyperlinks which are established to the website from other webpages allows access to the website, but not reproduce its content nor allowing to make frames of itself.


Bodegas Cerdá does not guarantee the update nor the availability of the contents of its website but will ensure to provide as accurate a site as possible and will update/amend all details at the earliest opportunity

Despite the fact that Bodegas Cerdá gives the user, through the website, a continuing service, this service could be interrupted by different circumstances. In this case Bodegas Cerdá will try to inform its users in advance, when this is possible, not being responsible for the prejudices that it could have for the user with the interruption of the access service from the present website.

Legal normative and applicable jurisdiction:

The privacy policy and legal notice in this website, as well as the rest of its content, are in compliance with the law, specifically royal decree 15/1999, 13 December of the protection of personal information, later to become LOPD the royal decree 994/1999 of 11 June which approves the rules of security measures of the automatic files which contain personal information and royal decree 34/2002, 11 July services of the information society and electric commerce (LSSI) it can be reviewed and/or modified at any time in order to comply with any legislative modifications, in this case the new content will be applicable from the moment in which it is published in the website and will be accessible to the users of the site

Use of the website, including access and navigation by the user, is free but all users must comply with the privacy policy and the legal notice of the website as well as all applicable Spanish legislation

Any use considered controversial, conflicting or contrary to Spanish legislation by any person or persons may result in legal action being taken against the user by the legal courts in Alicante or in the respective country where the local laws have been infringed